Mumutane to be continued...
"The German-based brand Lumikello has acquired the award-winning Danish design brand Mumutane 🎉.
The synergy between Lumikello and Mumutane is undeniable – from product quality to their shared commitment to conscious consumerism. Both brands are distinguished by their unorthodox use of materials and processes, as well as their dedication to exceeding expectations.
Read more about Lumikello and the acquisition here.
Wonder Wall - a sculptural patchwork
The Wonder Wall decoration is a sculptural artwork and a result of a collaboration between visual artist Christina Christensen and Mumutane. An art piece made solely out of leftover scraps from the home decor production of Mumutane. The idea behind the Wonder Wall is to encourage everyone to see waste as resources and spark life into materials that no one imagines to be of interest. The Wonder Wall decoration is a testament to the beauty and possibility of sustainability. By reimagining what we consider to be waste, we can create something new and beautiful. Read more about the inspiration and...
No time to waste - Exhibition at DAC
The STOOL exhibition is a collaboration between companies from design, furniture, production and environmental science presenting 13 different designs and expressions of the same basic stool. All produced with waste materials to explore the CO2-equivalents and the climate impact.
We believe collaboration is the way forward to achieve responsible solutions. With this co-creation we want to inspire everyone to be reflective both in terms of design, production and consumption in order to create a more circular approach.
Read more about the experiment here
Mumutane at Casa Decor 2023
Casa Decor 2023 brought together 11 Danish interior brands, Comad Architectos, the Danish Embassy, and the Confederation of Danish Industry for an extraordinary display of Danish Design with a touch of Spanish influence. The exhibition emphasised the development of Danish Design, new design values highlighting sustainability, circularity, nature, mental health, vibrant colours, and captivating textures. The event was a celebration of creativity, innovation, and cultural exchange, setting new benchmarks for design excellence. Read more about Mumutane's participation here.